Excellent article on Powerline succinctly stating the beliefs of most Americans
John Hinderaker has a fantastic article at Powerline entitled "What the Base Thinks." It is the clearest, shortest explanation I've read. Read and savor.
This blog contains the thoughts of a real Texas cowgirl. They may pertain to politics, religion, or life in general. If anything herein offends you, please go to another blog. If you disagree with anything herein, kindly use facts and intelligent argument. Anyone making personal attacks against Cowgirl or any commenter will be banned.
John Hinderaker has a fantastic article at Powerline entitled "What the Base Thinks." It is the clearest, shortest explanation I've read. Read and savor.
The Minute Chicks made it safely to Arizona yesterday afternoon. After checking into the hotel, we enjoyed the swimming pool, and the very dry Arizona climate and gorgeous scenery. The town we are staying at, Sierra Vista, is at the foot of some rugged hills, so the view is desert and high hills. Add a clear blue sky, and a pina collada, and the result was some very happy Minute Chicks.
According to the Drudge Report, a whopping 200 National Guard troops are headed to the Texas border next week. I for one am completely disgusted at our government sending our warriors to do paperwork when we desperately need warriors on the border to guard our country. Get it? National Guard. Guarding the Nation..... ain't rocket science folks.
Tapscott's Copy Desk has a good article this morning, reminding the Conservatives, that they should ration a huge hunk of the blame regarding Congressional impotence on Congress. Although in the majority, the Republicans have almost completely failed to do anything except act like Democrats. Had they gotten behind their President, and steam-rollered the whining Democrats, many changes for the good would have occurred in the past 5 years.
Paul at Power LIne has a good post on The Virtue of Being a "Do Nothing Congress."
Before Easter, the Senate began debate on a comprehensive immigration reform bill, and Republicans were prepared to strengthen the legislation with amendments making the American people safer and more secure.
Shortly before recess, however, Democrats refused to allow any amendments. For an issue this complex, important and controversial, that was simply unacceptable.
My Republican colleagues and I refused to allow tactics of partisan obstruction to stand in the way of achieving meaningful immigration reform. And when the Senate resumed consideration this week, we began offering amendments that have vastly improved the bill.
I invite you to take the opportunity to read through a few of the Republican amendments that passed with my support this week -- and consider how comprehensive immigration reform legislation might have looked without them.
Bill Frist
The Senate adopted an amendment by Senator Sessions that would direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to construct at least 370 miles of triple-layered fence and 500 miles of vehicle barrier at strategic locations along the southwest border.
The Senate approved an amendment by Senators Kyl, Graham, Cornyn and Allen to close a loophole in the bill that would allow criminal aliens to obtain legal status. The amendment clarifies that any illegal alien who is ineligible for a visa, or who has been convicted of a felony or three misdemeanors, is ineligible for a green card.
The Senate voted in favor of an amendment by Senator Inhofe to require that English be declared the national language of the United States. It also provides that the English language is the default language for government communication and that no person has a right to have the government communicate in any language other than English unless otherwise authorized or provided by law. The amendment also establishes goals for the redesign of the ongoing naturalization exam requiring that those taking the test demonstrate an understanding of English and of American history. Lastly, the amendment would change provisions in the bill that allow an unauthorized alien to meet the current English language exam by enrolling in an English language class.
The Senate adopted an amendment by Senator Cornyn to strike the ability of future temporary workers to obtain a green card by self-petitioning for one. Green cards could only be obtained if an employer sponsored the application.
The Senate passed the imhofe amendment yesterday, making English our official language. To clarify that mind-blowing concept, the Senate also enacted the translation provided by Democrat Ken Salazar that "English is the common and unifying language of the United States that helps provide unity for the people of the United States."
There is a great post at Tapscott about "Conservative Battle Fatigue." Wow! I think that's what I have. Read it and see what you think.
UPDATE: Having had several days to think about things, and cool off, I've deleted some of my original post here. All we can do is the best we can do, and everything is in God's hands anyway. The best I can do is to continue with the faxes/emails/letters/phone calls, etc. to my elected officials, and work very hard on the border fence being built by MCDC. Everything else is out of my hands.
I'm working outside today. Trying very hard to keep busy and not worry about what the President will or will not say in his address this evening. I truly hate being disappointed in someone I respect, and so, I am experiencing gut-churning anxiety over this.
The AP reports that the plane bearing the immense weight of Sen. Swimmer Kennedy was struck by lightning, but..... the plane landed safely.
Well, it's 6:18 a.m. and I have finished reading my usual blogs. As best I can tell, things are pretty much "on hold" until the President's speech tomorrow night.
Wretchard at the Belmont Club, has a great article about how the Rules of War apply when the enemy has no regard for any "constraints whatsoever." You will probably find yourself pondering this issue for a while.
John Hinderaker at Powerline has some free advice for President Bush's speech the coming Monday night. I love it! Sounds like something I would have said. Come to think of it, I did say it.
If you haven't listened to the Glenn and Helen Show (Instapundit) where they interview both Ken Mehlman and Michael Baron, you should do so now. Click here for the dialup download.
Yesterday started out good. Cowboy and I loaded a steer up and took him to the processor. The steer loaded easily, actually stunning us by just jumping into the trailer.
Michelle Malkin has more information on the contradictory stories about Border Patrol officials informing the Mexican government about Minuteman activities. Read the post and decide for yourself who is and is not lying.
So, now we are going to support the "government" of Hamas? What happened to "no aid to terrorists"? What happened to consequences?
On the US Customs and Border Protection website, a statement was issued today regarding the story by the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin alleging that the BP was tipping off the Mexican government as to the activities of the Minuteman CDC. Read it and see what you think.
I was given permission to post this link to a great song written by a young Minuteman.
I have long since suspected this, but it makes me very sad.
Robert A. Hahn at RedState has a great article about censuring Jimmy Carter. There is also a website regarding same. I like the idea, even if I did make a pot of money on investments during the Carter Administration, because the interest rates were twenty something percent!!!!
Documents uncovered in Iraq clearly show that the al-Qaeda terrorists know the jig is pretty much up. They are about out of volunteers, and further terrorist actions, risk killing what remain of their supporters in the general public.
Radio Blogger has both the mp3 and the transcript of an interview with the esteemed Victor Davis Hanson regarding the letter from Iran's crazed president, and about the situation in Darfur. VDH, as always, is brilliant.
AP reported that Vice Premier Shimon Peres (of Israel) said that "... the president of Iran should remember that Iran can also be wiped off the map." Glad the Israelis are confirming my conviction that they will not wait around for the world to deal with Iran.
There is a sickening article in the Star Telegram today about Altar, Mexico, a town at the end of a private 60 mile tollroad, both town and road existing for only one purpose: to provide a staging area for illegals to cross into the U.S. The title to the story pretty much says it all: "Like a big Wal-Mart for smugglers."
Hugh Hewitt's article: Timing is Everything: Painting the Map Red, is an upbeat account of how the Administration is turning lemons into lemonade, along with an interview with Larry Kudlow about his recent interview with the President, who Larry deems to be in excellent fighting form.
I'm singularly uninterested in the news of the world today, being much more interested in helping plan the upcoming Minute Chicks Road Trip. So, not wanting Cowgirl to slip to the bottom of the blogrolls, I am quickly going to run through the more interesting items in the Drudge Report with a biting comment or two.
The New York Slimes is reporting that the Senate has approved an emergency supplemental spending bill far in excess of what the President requested to cover expenses for Hurricane Katrina damage and the war in Iraq, which excess is without a doubt... pork.
Maybe it's a genetic thing. Maybe it's a genetic "we are above the law" thing. Maybe it's a genetic "we can't drive worth a shit" thing. Whatever it is, apparently Rep. Patrick Kennedy, like his father, Sen. "Swimmer" Kennedy, not only seems unable to avoid driving into things like large bodies of water or concrete barriers, but also suffers from memory loss following motor vehicle accidents.
If you support the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, please contact Texas Fred to add your site to his new Blogroll, The Minuteman Volunteers Blog Roll, at http://minuteman-volunteers.blogspot.com/
RedState reports that the new Zogby poll reflects that "Americans prefer the House of Representatives' enforcement-only bill by 2-1 over Senate proposals to legalize illegal immigrants and greatly increase legal immigration."
Gosh! I was afraid the Captain wasn't going to add me to his list on the new blogroll. Looks like he was just overwhelmed with submissions for the roll. Anyway, Cowgirl has now been added to the list.
You've just gotta love this guy!
Living in the country is always interesting. When the feet hit the floor in the morning, you have no clue what the day holds in store. This is true, of course, no matter how or where you live your life, but the more critters one deals with on a daily basis, the more potential for things to happen.
Concise analysis by Cal Thomas at RealClearPolitics. I don't usually agree with Cal Thomas, but he is spot on here. Read this article!
Good article by James Pinkerton at Newsday, "Wall buillders are winning the debate," in which he points out that not only did the intimidation of Americans by illegal aliens demanding citizen-rights not work, but it stiffened our resolve to rollback the policies of the "limousine-liberals" who founded the Great Society in the 1960's and have continued to foul things up ever since.
To do my part in protesting against the anti-American protestors, I am off for a day of shopping. This is going to be fun! And yes, I will be wearing my Minuteman polo shirt!!
Being a big fan of Captain Ed's, and hoping that I have sufficient insight and sense of humor to qualify, I've requested to be added to the Captain's new blogroll, The 101st Fighting Keyboardists. Captain Ed's explanation of the new blogroll can be found here.
The American Thinker picked up a story from Rod Liddle of the London Times, explaining why it would be a good idea to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, and why we should be more concerned with Iran having nuclear capabilities than other third world countries. This is a quite interesting common sense approach to this issue.
As one who definitely belives in free-market capitalism, while I was unhappy about the price of oil (and thus, gasoline), I was not in favor of any type of retribution against the the oil companies. At most, I advocated a repeal of the Federal gasoline taxes, as a method of immediate relief at the gas pump.
There is an interesting article on Strategy Page about "Why Al Qaeda is Retreating From Iraq." The analysis sets out the 3 major mistakes made by Al Qaeda during the Bush Administration. It's a quick read, and food for thought.