Apparently, I am not the only one confused by the Administration's decision to remove the National Guard troops from the border.Read this memo from Chris Simcox, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps:A few comments I want to share with all volunteers. We are making a difference and we see some action from the government -I know it is slow but I want to remind everyone to be resolve in their efforts -stay positive and stay active.
Chris Simcox
Here in Arizona everyone including Senator Kyl to Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano to Border Patrol field agents, is dumbfounded over President Bush’s decision to weaken our national security by removing National Guard personnel from the southern border with Mexico.
At a time when violence is on the increase, when drug cartels are on the rampage and we have people from around the world breaching our border security the President should be increasing the number of National Guard on our borders. The situation along our southern border will not be improved by the removal of National Guard and everyone knows it. Certainly the resourceful, well funded, well organized criminal syndicates that control the southern border regions already know our weakness and exploit it at every turn. They are already ramping up to take advantage of the President’s mind boggling and illogical decision to weaken border security. Our observers along the border are reporting a marked increase in the numbers of people crossing the border in California and Arizona.
And now this alarming assessment from DEA brought to us by reporter Sara Cater:
Islamic extremists embedded in the United States — posing as Hispanic nationals — are partnering with violent Mexican drug gangs to finance terror networks in the Middle East, according to a Drug Enforcement Administration report.
"Since drug traffickers and terrorists operate in a clandestine environment, both groups utilize similar methodologies to function ... all lend themselves to facilitation and are among the essential elements that may contribute to the successful conclusion of a catastrophic event by terrorists," said the confidential report, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Times.
The 2005 report outlines an ongoing scheme in which multiple Middle Eastern drug-trafficking and terrorist cells operating in the U.S. fund terror networks overseas, aided by established Mexican cartels with highly sophisticated trafficking routes.
These terrorist groups, or sleeper cells, include people who speak Arabic, Spanish and Hebrew and, for the most part, arouse no suspicion in their communities.
"It is very likely that any future 'September 11th' type of terrorist event in the United States may be facilitated, wittingly or unwittingly, by drug traffickers operating on both sides of the United States-Mexico border," the DEA report says.
Border Patrol field agents are encouraging the MCDC volunteers to increase our presence and surveillance. We have more volunteers, more equipment and more landowners opening up their property for our use. Landowners know the truth, crossings are the same if not increasing and they are begging for help. Border Patrol agents are soliciting for our help.
We have increased the frequency of our operations which are now up from 1 to 3 operations per month.
But we have seen improvements, new technology like the virtual fence, ground radar, new vehicles, new night vision equipment are all helping Border Patrol to do a better job of detecting crossings, unfortunately they lack the manpower to apprehend all of them. The lack of manpower remains the biggest problem –not enough agents and too many illegals – Border Patrol agents continue to estimate that they are lucky to apprehend one in four of the total who cross. They admit they can better detect when an incursion takes place the problem is they just do not have the manpower to respond to the dozens of groups that come across by the hour. Thus, they need our help, at least we can keep track of groups until Border Patrol can provide agents to apprehend.
Our observers on the border who monitor scanner activity report hundreds of sensor hits and dozens of calls from citizens throughout the day and night – the activity continues non-stop day after day.
A rancher who allowed us to construct a fence on his property was violently attacked on his own property this week . As he drove near the border he surprised a group of people illegally entering the country, as they ran back across the border they pelted his vehicle with rocks one of which struck him square in the chest, others narrowly missing his face and head.
MCDC efforts show fruits of labor. Government is gearing up for major military intervention to battle drug cartels on southern border.
The U.S. government now seems resigned to the fact that they must heed our demands. Secure the border, smash the cartels and enforce the laws on employers – all are major advances in our six-year effort.
According to a story in the Washington Post today, “at a time when Mexico is struggling to contain a war among major drug cartels that has cost more than 3,000 lives in the past year and has horrified Mexicans with images of beheadings and videotaped assassinations. Calderón has impressed U.S. officials by extraditing a record number of drug suspects to the United States and by dispatching more than 20,000 federal police officers and soldiers to fight the trafficking organizations, but that effort has failed to stop the violence.
The anti-drug aid package would represent a major shift in relations after years of tension and mutual suspicion among law enforcement agencies on both sides of the border. "It's astonishing and a sea change," said a senior Republican aide who works on drug policy issues. "It's a real recognition that Calderón has a problem. And his success or failure will impact us. The days of the finger-pointing are over."
This is a major move in the right direction. Perhaps this is in part why Bush has decided to cut National Guard forces in half – will he replace them with special operations trained military. But it remains a mystery why the president refuses to work openly with congress and why Bush is so reluctant to bolster border security for fear of offending Mexico.
When the lives of American citizens are at risk, when our country is being invaded, when thousands of citizens are victimized by crimes committed by foreign nationals in our country illegally, the American people are the ones the present has offended.
“If it be asked, what is the most sacred duty and the greatest source of our security in a Republic? The answer would be an inviolable respect for the Constitution and Laws” — Alexander Hamilton.
PHOENIX, AZ — The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC) call for the Bush Administration to reconsider its withdrawal of National Guard troops stationed on the U.S-Mexican border while current policies already raise concerns that our porous borders serve as an open pathway to an ever-increasing illegal alien migrant invasion. MCDC believes that the withdrawal of troops will exacerbate a worsening situation of border intrusions and coyote violence, which has been fed by irresponsible “amnesty” talk from Washington and withdrawal of the National Guard presence also sends the wrong message to international drug dealers, criminals and terrorists with designs upon America.
“It is simply the case that the voters made their priorities clear to Washington earlier this summer—secure the borders, enforce the laws, in that order,” states Chris Simcox. “Now it’s time for Washington to get with the program and to keep the troops at the border.”
Currently, the Minuteman message of “border security first” has provided a growing impetus for the creation of 92 MCDC nationally-sponsored chapters, organized at the state and local levels.
MCDC has been stalwart in advocating that border security be implemented immediately with funds already allocated to the Department of Homeland Security’s treasury through the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and with the placement of 20,000 National Guard troops stationed on the U.S.-Mexico border. MCDC rejects on-going Bush administration and Congressional calls for massive spending from hypothetical billions of new dollars for unproven “virtual” border security in exchange for amnesty programs, and the removal of border security personnel—including already deployed National Guard.
Unlike the U.S. government, the Minutemen have already been implementing a plan for border security that is more than “virtual” and that includes an effective material barrier—by volunteering their time, energy and personal funds in order to build highly effective demonstration security fencing on private ranch land, expensed through private donations obtained from thousands of citizens nationally. To educate the public and force federal government attention to the realities of border security, Minuteman volunteers have taken steps to build this fence along the border utilizing state of the art technology with the fiber optic mesh produced by FOMGuard, USA, also currently in use on U.S. military installations, the DMZ in Korea and the West Bank in Israel, and recently featured in National Geographic magazine.
Simcox continues, “When the administration ‘cracks down’ on employers one day and loosens security on the border the next day, it’s sending a schizophrenic message to the American people and rolling out the red carpet for the criminal element who seek to do us harm. We must keep the troops on the borders until American sovereignty and territory is truly and demonstrably secure. Only then we can focus on new strategies for interior enforcement. Securing our borders against the present onslaught of migrant alien invasion and terrorist infiltration must remain the top priority for the sake of national security and public safety today, and for future generations of Americans. We need those troops—and many more like them—left right where they are.”
Steve Elliot from has added another element for consideration to this incomprehensible situation. Read on:From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott,
+ + This may explain why President Bush is
pushing the amnesty agenda. --
If you have been scratching your head trying to figure out why President Bush has pushed so hard for amnesty, here's your "smoking gun."
An effort is underway to create a North American "framework" that will all but eliminate hard borders between Mexico, the U.S. and Canada. This "framework" includes a "trusted travelers" program that allows "citizens of North America" to move freely within the three countries.
No wonder the President is pushing amnesty!
On August 20-21, President Bush will join Mexican President Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Harper for the second Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) summit.
The SPP is what many believe to be the beginnings of the infrastructure for the North American Union. The SPP's stated goal is to:
"...Consolidate our action into a North American framework to confront security and economic challenges,and promote the full potential of our people, addressing disparities and increasing opportunities for all."
This tri-lateral agreement already has resulted in regulatory changes and open borders initiatives that clearly undermine our sovereignty. The SPP is the one touting the "trusted travelers" program to encourage migration of "citizens of North America."
+ + Petition opposing a North American Union
Today, Grassfire is launching a national petition formally opposing these and other efforts to create a North American "framework" and undermine our nation's sovereignty.
I want to rally 100,000 signers before the SPP meetings this month and have them on hand in Canada as part of a building citizen protest against such efforts.
Please go here for more information and to sign: + Exclusive interview with author Jerome Corsi
New York Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi just completed a new book detailing our government's rapid move toward a North American "union." It's called "The Late Great USA."
Corsi agreed to record a special interview "briefing" on the NAU for our Grassfire team members. Go here to listen to that interview and to access Grassfire’s detailed backgrounder on the NAU and the NAFTA superhighway: course the President denies that the SPP is a precursor to a North American "Union." But there is mounting evidence that the SPP is creating precisely that structure -- all without any congressional oversight!
Will you help me rally 100,000 citizens before this latest SPP meeting convenes -- in less than two weeks?
Please sign and then forward this message to your entire email network.
Thanks in advance,
Steve Elliott, President