A Rookie President
Thomas Sowell nails it perfectly in his post today on Townhall. A must read.
Labels: rookie president, Thomas Sowell
This blog contains the thoughts of a real Texas cowgirl. They may pertain to politics, religion, or life in general. If anything herein offends you, please go to another blog. If you disagree with anything herein, kindly use facts and intelligent argument. Anyone making personal attacks against Cowgirl or any commenter will be banned.
Thomas Sowell nails it perfectly in his post today on Townhall. A must read.
Labels: rookie president, Thomas Sowell
Per Breibart, "Israel used unmanned drones to attack clandestine Iranian convoys in Sudan that were attempting to smuggle rockets into Gaza, Britain's Sunday Times newspaper reported." Apparently, "the convoys were carrying Fajr-3 rockets, which have a range of more than 40 miles (65 kilometres), and were split into sections to be smuggled through tunnels into Gaza from Egypt."
Labels: Israel, national defense, Netanyahu
Breitbart reports that the National Intelligence (?) Director, Dennis Blair testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee that "some Guantanamo inmates may be released on US soil and receive assistance to return to society."
Labels: border, Dennis Blair, Janet Napolitano, terrorism
After reading the Drudge Report this morning, there was just so much fodder for blogging that I didn't even know where to begin. I learned, not at all to my surprise that our beloved Secy of State has blamed the United States for Mexico's problems with the drug cartels. Not to worry, though, because the equally patriotic and brilliant Janet Napolitano, the head of Homeland Security (that should be enough to scare the heck out of you) is confident "she" has enough money for the border wars. Ya know, building that fence would have been a lot easier, but hey! Let's just do this the hard and bloody way.
In a staff column posted today at Townhall, entitled EPA Targets Cows, Grows Government, it seems that the EPA is proposing to tax greenhouse gases, which are gases that are naturally produced. The article explains that:
... they (the EPA) propose to tax agriculture for greenhouse emissions. For smaller animals like hogs, the tax would be $20 per year. For the largest animals, the tax would be over $100 per year.
The Department of Agriculture, to its credit, came out with a statement that taxing family farms would cause undue hardship leading to failure; few family farms have financial room for additional taxes.
The following is a cross-post of my comment to Paul Jacob's post entitled From Oz to Obama.