Musings of a Real Texas Cowgirl

This blog contains the thoughts of a real Texas cowgirl. They may pertain to politics, religion, or life in general. If anything herein offends you, please go to another blog. If you disagree with anything herein, kindly use facts and intelligent argument. Anyone making personal attacks against Cowgirl or any commenter will be banned.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me

Today's headlines:

22 Bombs Explode in Thailand

Radioactive Isotopes Meant for Iran Intercepted

Turkish Police 'Foil Another Attack in Izmir'

Terrorist Bombers Strike in Turkey

Germans Charge Syrian Over Failed Bomb Plot

Today's Stories You Won't Hear on the News:

Marine Medics Race Time to Save a Local Girl

Haditha marines Under "Coordinated Attack"

Israeli Soldiers Find a Tenacious Foe in Hezbollah

So, on this my birthday, I am reflecting on the state of my world.  I am worried about my country and how long it will remain a sovereign nation.  I am worried about my finances thanks to Gov. Perry and his Invader Superhighway land grab, which squarely nails my two most valuable ranches.

On the other hand, I have been blessed with the increasingly wonderful Cowchild, the loyal Cowboy who is a fine and decent man, good health, and the love and support of extended family and friends.  In my heart, I know that our stories are written from the beginning, and that all of life is in God's hands.  It is this faith alone that keeps me sane when my world seems to be spiraling out of control. 

God's blessings on you all.
